Environment & Sustainability

We know how important it is to look after the planet that we live on for future generations to continue to enjoy. Creating sustainable timber products is at the heart of our business.

Recognising that sustainability is a journey and not a destination, Timeless Sash Windows are constantly evolving to ensure that you can be confident in the windows and doors that you choose. 

We provide top quality, thermally efficient, long lasting and beautiful joinery.  We have a responsibility to sustain our high standards, alongside a policy to 'Do No Harm' and ensure an equal, inclusive, and supportive workplace for our team.

From this understanding we have developed our sustainability strategy to continue to treat our raw materials, as well as our stakeholders with respect.

1. Life Cycle of Timber Windows

As published by Herriot Watt University in Edinburgh:

  • Timber frames to have an expected service life of between 56 and 65 years. Acetylated timber (Accoya)  frames show an expected service life of 68-80 years.
  • Timber is a naturally occurring sustainable material, of which more can be grown every day. As a tree grows, the carbon is absorbed and sequestered into its very fibres. This timber stores the carbon until the end of life of the final product. During that time, on average 56 – 80 years, more trees are planted. If an equivalent amount or more trees are planted before the carbon is released, the result is a carbon-neutral product or carbon-positive product.
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an internationally recognised tool for assessing the environmental impact of products, processes and activities.  This report finds that all timber based window frame materials are preferable to PVC-U alternatives in every scenario considered.


2. Circular Economy

Our global thinking and actions are shifting from a take–make–waste society (a linear economy), to one that uses safe, sustainable materials to make products that are durable and repairable.

Our windows are:

    • Built to last a lifetime, repairable and recyclable
    • Made to order, so there is minimum waste
    • Bespoke with the timber species chosen specifically for the purpose of the joinery and it's longevity
    • We can refurbish old timber windows that have been in properties for centuries with minimal waste and impact, to ensure they will last even longer and be more thermally efficient.



3. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The UN created 15 Sustainable Development Goals that help us to focus on future strategy with a global picture in mind.

Our analysis includes:
  • opportunities to positively contribute to the SDGs
  • potential risks of our business hindering their achievement.

Timeless Sash Windows have chosen these 4 goals that focus on how our small business can make a maximum effective change.

4. Steps we are taking

Tree Planting

We are proud to partner with 100 Million Trees Project and have planted 2500 native Irish trees on 1/4 acre of our land in 2024.  We are looking forward to watch this mini forest grow and encourage biodiversity.

 Notes on Refurbished windows

    1. Preserving our architectural heritage. The windows are an important element of the design of the building, as such, preserving their original style is important for our architectural heritage. This is recognised by the Irish government as they offer annual grants towards the restoration of protected structures and buildings in zones of conservation (as defined by local councils)
    2. Value. Original windows add value to the building. Repairing and maintaining windows that are over a century old and have proven they can withstand wear and weather, will provide a positive impact on the authenticity of the building, thus adding value. Inappropriate replacements will reduce the attractiveness to future buyers.
    3. Longevity. Historic windows were originally made using high-quality slow-grown timber that can last for centuries. This pitch pine is rarely available today. Additionally they were put together by skilled joiners, using techniques still relied upon today. The life span of historic windows can be several hundred years, in comparison to poorly made timber windows in the 1970s for example, with a lifespan of 30 to 40 years.
    4. Possible to Repair. Timber, like uPVC and other window materials, needs to be maintained. In the case of neglect and rot, timber windows can be spliced and repaired, maintaining as much of the original timber possible and providing ease of use as in the case of a new window.
    5. Low environmental impact. Refurbishing timber windows follows the circular economy goals of keeping products in use as long as possible. Additionally the process of refurbishment is labour intensive, thus using less electricity (machinery) and providing local skilled employment.
    6. Small Carbon Footprint. The longer lifespan of a product allows the carbon to remain sequestered for the maximum amount of time.
    7. Upgrade for thermal efficiency. A newly refurbished window by Timeless Sash Windows will have modern draught sealing and optional double glazing which will greatly improve thermal efficiency, acoustics and preserve aesthetics.