Fineo glazing Ireland
07/02/2021Timeless Sash Windows Launch New Showroom in Trim
07/09/2021Case Study – Double Glazing Old Sash Windows
Owners of this old schoolhouse chose to fit Fineo double glazing when they upgraded their old timber sash windows. The couple completed a full renovation of the building to create a stunning and unique home. The new and improved windows add thermal comfort as well as noise reduction. This latter is important as the home is situated on a busy main road.
The house itself, a very large, five-bay, three-storey, early-19th century building needed much improvement to bring it to modern living standards. As the rooms are high ceilinged and large, the work needed to be carefully thought through for maximum impact.
The huge windows stretching to almost 2.5m tall feature fine details. The owners opted for Fineo glazing with it’s thin profile and extreme efficiency. They chose white paint for the interior and Farrow & Ball “Bone” (colour matched) on the exterior, with satin chrome ironmongery. These choices suit the unpainted exterior and give an inkling of the architectural aesthetics of the interiors.
Fineo Glazing
Timeless Sash Windows are working in partnership with Energlaze in Ireland to introduce Fineo glazing to the market. Fineo is ideal to retrofit into older windows as well as new. It uses the latest vacuum insulated glazing technology. With an ultra fine profile, the glass achieves a U-value as low as 0.7. Double glazed old sash windows have greatly increased performance.
As such, Fineo affords period and heritage homes the opportunity to enjoy modern warmth and comfort, without impacting their outward appearance.
A mere 6.7mm in depth, Fineo’s amazing thermal performance is 8 times better than single glazing, 42% more efficient than double-glazing, and, incredibly, offers a 12.5% improvement on triple glazing. Furthermore, with its superior light transmission, customers will also enjoy a lighter, brighter home.
Read more about Fineo here : Fineo Glazing Ireland
Double Glazed Old Windows
At Timeless Sash Windows, we can match like for like to reproduce new sash windows with the look of the originals. Thanks to new glazing technology such as Slimglaze and Fineo, the profiles will be narrow. However, the Timeless draught seals together with the new glazing greatly increase the thermal efficiency. We choose quality FSC approved timber suitable for the windows in your area, or Accoya engineered timber for anti-rot properties. We use paint specific for exterior joinery, made by Teknos, and will last for up to 10 years before needing to be touched up.
Further Reading
30th June, Jennie Ritchie, Timeless Sash Windows